At Watergate Bay


In my mind

I am standing on the shore

At Watergate Bay

The Beach feels so large

And I so small.

Ahead I can see for miles

There is nothing

Except the sun setting into the sea

It’s light drenching me

In pinks and golds

It sets too slowly to see

But soon I know it will be gone

Taking me with it

Extinguishing the warmth and light I am bathing in

I anticipate the loss

But in that moment feel so alive and content

The children are throwing their frisbee

The sunlight glistens in their hair

I am so aware of them

But they are not aware of me

This is how I will remember them

Not shouting at them to put their shoes on

Nor frustrated at the vegetables left on the plate

But playing happily.

My husband is watching me watching them and he is sad

He knows what I am thinking

The light is about to go out

And I will not be there at the sunrise

Just the three of them

And I wonder if I will have given them enough warmth

Enough light to last them through?

That is the musing of a dying mother.